TzAR: Pixel Art Profiles #1 – rata, hAyDiRoKeT, Tornado Rodriguez
Kyle Flemmer profiles three pixel artists included in the forthcoming Tezos Art Review (TzAR): Pixel Art Anthology.
Since coming to Tezos in May 2023, I have been consistently impressed by the caliber of pixel art minted on the daily, its endless variety and constancy. In my other life as a poet and publisher, things move much more slowly, almost glacially, relative to the blink-and-you-miss-it pace of web3. Careful consideration takes time and, for me, there’s no better way to encourage the slow and thoughtful appreciation of a work than to print it in a book.
I’ve recently begun editing just such a book, the Tezos Art Review (TzAR): Pixel Art Anthology. This anthology has two main goals: first, to showcase the diversity of styles that might be considered pixel art, and second, to celebrate an exciting cross-section of the Tezos art community and the special culture we are producing together in this corner of the art world.
To kick off this series of Pixel Art Profiles, I’m putting the spotlight on three artist contributors to the anthology I think channel the good vibes underground punk rock energy that epitomizes the community of artists on Tezos.
The Tetrarchy by rata, minted October 16, 2023
Artist statement: “composing with pixels can be as beautiful and complex as mosaics, weaving, or stained glass art. it's also a timeless asset in the digital realm due to its lack of anti-aliasing: pixel art can scale its resolution and follow the technological advancements without losing a single square of quality. its applications may have evolved over the years, but its aesthetics and relevance continue to be increasingly appreciated.”
BANG IT !! by hAyDiRoKeT, minted July 4, 2022
Artist statement: “I enjoy using Brilliance 2.0 and Deluxe Paint 4 for pixel art, and I’d also add Fantavision to the mix. These programs offer incredible options and animation tools that are perfect for creating pixel art. Yes, I’m talking about some very classic tools, but they still hold their ground for those who appreciate their charm and functionality. And for anyone who finds working with hardware a bit overwhelming, there are plenty of emulation methods available like "Amiga Forever" to bring these timeless tools back to life.”
Tornado Rodriguez
Doing nothing thinking about everything by Tornado Rodriguez, minted Mar 12, 2024
Artist statement: “I don't do pixel art, I do pixelated art. I heard this distinction made by Pocobelli quoting, I think, Ed Marola (I have to reconfirm this) and I think it suits me perfectly. I use Paint98 for my pixelated art. It reminds me of my physical drawings scanned. I use MS Paint as if it were using ink on paper.”
TzAR: Pixel Art Anthology will be published by The Blasted Tree Publishing Co. in August 2025. Stay tuned for more Pixel Art Profiles in the coming weeks as we prepare the book for publication!