VAULTED Art Collector Profile #5 - AwHECK

Vaulted is a series where prominent collectors in the Tezos ecosystem are interviewed and highlighted.

Vaulted #5 with AwHeck

Tezos is the most authentic and inclusive community on any blockchain.  It represents the full spectrum of the market enabling collectors to purchase works for as little as a few cents or as much as tens of thousands of dollars.  It’s home to the most museum grade works, and I believe it will only become more relevant and valued over time. 
— AwHeck

Merve : Can you tell us how your collecting journey began?

AwHECK: I've been collecting things all of my life, building a portrait of memories and emotions via puppets, magic tricks, rocks and minerals, photographs, books, drawings, paintings and now, digital relics. Surrounding myself with these totems are a manifestation of my experiences and a testament to my love of life itself.  

Merve: Can you share a story about acquiring one of your favorite pieces or any interesting moment in your collecting journey?

AwHECK: The most interesting moment in my collecting journey was participating in a discussion during Art Basel in Miami in 2023 during the infamous tezpole event presented by refractionDAO.  I am super grateful that Kika invited me, as I got to meet so many Tezos OG's including Flexasaurus Rex who gave me this magical piece of quartz crystal, which called back to my childhood love of rocks and minerals; it was a full circle moment.

The crystal means so much to me that to this day it is sitting on my desk and charging next to my computer.  When I am contemplating collecting something significant, I hold the crystal in my hand and think about the work of art.  Often the crystal has given me clarity to either collect or pass on the works, and I am so grateful to Flex for introducing this powerful energy into my practice.

Merve: What sets Tezos apart in your eyes compared to other NFT ecosystems?

AwHECK: Tezos is the most authentic and inclusive community on any blockchain.  It represents the full spectrum of the market enabling collectors to purchase works for as little as a few cents or as much as tens of thousands of dollars.  It's home to the most museum grade works, and I believe it will only become more relevant and valued over time. 

Merve: Who are your three favorite artists/artworks on Tezos from your collection, and what makes their work stand out to you?

AwHECK: The artists that I think about the most are Anna Malina, Auriea Harvey and Gavin Shapiro. Gavin is the reason I started collecting digital art, and if it wasn't for him, I doubt I would be collecting or taking digital art as seriously as I do.  I've admired his work ever since we were sixteen years old at the New York Film Academy where his talents and storytelling abilities were already so defined and sophisticated. His work is currently being featured at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Busan and I am a very proud friend.

Merve: Which three emerging artists on Tezos do you think are worth keeping an eye on, and why?

AwHECK: The artists that I am keeping my eye on are Ceren Su, for her brilliant otherworldly 3D sculptures and animated films. Eraserhead, for his intellectually stimulating and harrowingly tortured/mangled subjects suspended in trapped boxes and cages as well as any artist that Adrian Pocobelli features on his Artist Journal Program. Aside from being an incredible and thoughtful artist, Pocobelli shines a light on unsung voices and tremendous talents redefining the digital arts underground.  I watch every single episode, no matter the runtime, and implore you to check out the full series as well as his interviews with Roon Toon every Wednesday.


TzAR: Pixel Art Profiles #1 – rata, hAyDiRoKeT, Tornado Rodriguez


VAULTED Art Collector Profile #4 - 0xSimonSays